Emu Valley Newsletter – November 2019

  • Date: 8th November 2019
  • author: Neet


Thank you to all who came to spend a few hours here at the garden on our Cherry Blossom celebration day. Although the weather was a bit hairy and unpredictable for most of it, we still had a lot of keen and interested visitors who seemed to enjoy their time with us.
Thank you also to everyone who helped before, during and after the day to make it the success that it was, we really appreciate every little (big) bit!

I know I keep going on about how good the garden looks, but I just can’t get enough of it. The deciduous trees now have their luscious new leaves for the season and adds so many different shades of green (predominantly green) to the spectacular scenery. A lot of the younger plantings that you will find in Tibet – above the top road near what we know as the ‘fire pile’ where it is walking access only—are beginning to add colour now that they have been there for a few years.

We have mass planted out these areas so there will be pops of colour as far as the eye can see, especially when we are out on the balcony waving our hands about showing visitors where our boundary line is. It creates interest which will hopefully entice the keen explorers up into these areas. The view from over there is simply breathtaking.

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