2023 Journal ‘The Rhododendron’ Vol 62

  • Date: 25th April 2024
  • author: Andrew Rouse


In pulling together this year’s journal, I trawled back through previous issues to realise that this is my ninth year as Editor of this journal. How time flies! The highlight of 2023 was the Rhododendron Conference, Rhododendron Conservation Down Under, hosted by Emu Valley Rhododendron Gardens in October. It was lovely to return to EVRG and to catch up with rhododendron enthusiasts from around the country and overseas and to hear about projects being undertaken to help conserve rhododendron species and hybrids. A special thank you Geoff Wood, Ant Dry, Nicole Maxwell, Maurie Kupsch and the rest of the team at EVRG for hosting the conference and making us all so welcome.

Editorial · Andrew Rouse 


• A visit to Nezu Shrine in Tokyo · Mary McConnell
• Tom Noonan, ARS–Vic Life Membership · John O’Hara
• Searching for Rhododendron in Sulawesi · Various authors
• Forms of Rhododendron zoelleri · Ian Chalk and Andrew Rouse
• Australian Rhododendron Conference 2023 · Robert Hatcher
• The Wilson 50 Rhododendrons in the UK · Polly Cooke

New Registrations

2022–2023 · Lesley Eaton

To read all the interesting articles please download the Journal below.

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