About Us

The Australian Rhododendron Society was formed in Victoria in 1960, on the initiative of a number of members of the Ferny Creek Horticultural Society, Victoria, having a particular interest in the rhododendron genus, with the objectives of encouraging interest in and disseminating information and knowledge about the genus Rhododendron, and to provide a medium by which all persons interested in the genus may communicate and co-operate with others of similar interest.
We have quarterly meetings and an annual National Convention and AGM where people from all states gather and reconnect. The convention is held on a rotational basis in a different affiliated garden each year.

Rhodo spotting -R selense ssp dasycladum in NW Yunnan


President : xxxx (SA) -
Vice President : Andrew Rouse (VIC) - awrouse@bigpond.com
Secretary/Treasurer : Graham Price (VIC) - lithic01@bigpond.net.au
Registrar : Lesley Eaton (TAS Hobart) - lesley.eaton@bigpond.com
Editorial Board : Andrew Rouse (VIC) - awrouse@bigpond.com
Website : Prue Crome (VIC) - prue@crome.net.au

Branch and Local Contacts
John O'Hara (VIC) - johnohara@optusnet.com.au
Robert Hatcher (SA) - hatcherhouse@internode.on.net
Geoff Wood (TAS EVRG) - geoffreywood@me.com
Lesley Eaton (TAS) - lesley.eaton@bigpond.com
Julia Hanley (NSW) - julia@hanley.ws
Roger Lenehan (QLD) - manager@tmbotanicgardens.org.au

Latest Newsletters
A new garden in the Dandenong Ranges Botanic Gardens, Olinda Victoria, is a multi partnered project that has seen the collection from the 10 north Queensland mountains where our endemic rhododendron species are.

Australian Cloud Forest Collection…OPENING SOON!!