Emu Valley Newsletter – August 2018

  • Date: 30th July 2018
  • author: Neet


With the strong wind that we’ve had blowing about in the last month around the State, here in the gully at EVRG, we seem to have weathered the storm without much damage at all, just a whole lot of blocked drains from leaves but it’s nothing we can’t handle.

We have a lot of colour in and around the garden already and it’s not even Spring yet! Rhododendron chrysodoron is bursting with colour, bright yellow flowers with dark green leaves and will brighten up the darkest of rooms! You will see this flowering here in Burma and is on the right hand side of the Bob Malone drive.

It’s also that time of the year again where our big leaf rhododendrons are producing some amazingly huge and colourful flower trusses, pockets of colour throughout the garden. R. macabeanum, R. sidereum, R. grande, R. magnificum are just to name a few and I can now safely say (even if it has taken me 8 years), that it’s just near impossible to have only one favourite colour/species/variety or hybrid rhododendron because I seem to change my mind on a weekly basis, and what’s not to love?

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A multi partnered project that has seen collection from the 10 north Queensland mountains where our endemic rhododendron species are.

Australian Cloud Forest Collection