ARS Victoria Newsletter – July 2011

  • Date: 9th February 2016


The rain has continued up here in the Dandenongs with over 800 mm in the first 5 months. The ground is extremely soggy and the rivulets flowing out of the rock cuttings on the sides of the roads have returned after an absence of some years. It has also been cold with 2 brief snow falls so far. As a consequence, the autumn colour was good although it is now largely over.

We held a meeting at the gardens, in the volunteers lunch room, in May with a presentation about growing liliums, significant companion plants to rhododendrons and azaleas. The venue is far from ideal but none the less about 25 people attended and feedback received was very favourable. Maybe this is indeed a better venue and time than Friday evenings at Nunawading. If you have an opinion, please let us know.
Sales of our DVD of the gardens continue at the gardens gift shop albeit slowly although the feedback from Parks is that they expect this to increase substantially in the spring.

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