2016 The Rhododendron

  • Date: 7th March 2017


It is with pleasure that we present the 2016 volume of The Rhododendron, bringing you news and stories from around the globe.

We welcome back Frédéric Danet as a contributor. Frédéric has collected widely in West Papua, and on one of his trips, rediscovered R. helodes, a vireya species not seen for over 60 years. Frederic observed this species growing in association with em>R. saxifragoides. Close examination showed that R. helodes shares many morphological similarities with R. saxifragoides, and in this article, Frédéric reclassifies it as R. x helodes, a natural hybrid of R. saxifragoides and another species (possibly R. brassii). The Society is most appreciative that Frédéric has published this article in our journal.

Three of our members present reports on overseas expeditions. Prue Crome recounts her six-day trek to a remote mountain region in far west Yunnan (close to the border with Myanmar), where she and a group of other plant enthusiasts were amongst the first visitors to this botanical paradise. Prue has a particular interest in the Neriiflora group, and her article describes the many species she observed, including R. forrestii, R. citriniflorum and R. aperantum. The group positively identified 37 species of Rhododendron, with another 15 possible species!...


Editorial · Andrew Rouse and Barry Stagoll................................................3
President’s Report · Simon Begg...............................................................4
Reports – Australian Rhododendron Groups.............................................7
Rhododendron x helodes in New Guinea · Frédéric Danet........................... 14
Neriiflora identification in Yunnan · Prue Crome ......................................26
In search of Rhododendron rousei · Dale Schubert...................................... 37
Rhododendron, Camellia and Magnolia Group Centenary · Robert Hatcher .......46
Australian Rhododendron Society contact information.........................52

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