2001 The Rhododendron

  • Date: 22nd January 2016
  • author: Sylvia Saperstein

An excerpt from an article by Sylvia Saperstein on the future of vireos from this journal.

Let’s face it: vireya species are not easy to grow in a garden even for the seasoned enthusiast. There are the so-called easy species which we can grow – these are mainly from fairly low altitudes and have a wide distribution in the wild. But there are also all the others which have adapted to extremely specialised habitats, ranging from sea level to 4,000 metres. For many of these it is impossible to manipulate our garden environment to ensure their survival.

According to collectors like David Binney from NZ, it really is zero hour for the species. In Sulawesi where he has collected several times the destruction of habitat is rampant; this as new species are still being found. So it looks as though only well-endowed public gardens and enthusiasts of independent means will be able to ensure their survival. I think there is enough proof of the fact that there needs to be a critical mass of growers in any given country, whatever plant it might be, to ensure the survival of a species. Take, for instance, the fate of the Foxtail Palm in north Queensland. It has been plundered in the wild for seed and its habitat is shrinking fast, but one can now buy the seed even in the USA, so there is little chance of it being lost forever.

President’s Report Dr Allan Kerr Grant........................................................3
Annual Weekend of Events 2002..................................................................5
The Future For Vireyas Sylvia Saperstein.......................................................7
Two Historic Gardens of the Adelaide Hills Bill Voigt...................................9
Rhododendrons Down Under Conference Barry Stagoll............................12
Conference Highlights Barry Stagoll..........................................................17
Australian Hybrids Graeme Eaton...............................................................26
Major Botanical Art Award for Australian Artist Barry Stagoll......................34
Don Dosser, Man of Maples Fairie Nielsen.................................................36
The “Rouse House” Barry Stagoll..............................................................38
Hybridizing vs. Genetic Engineering Michael Hammer...............................40
The Vireya Story Brian Clancy...................................................................50
Yunnan In The Spring Scott Foubister.........................................................56
Rhododendrons on a Windswept Hill John Tooth.......................................60
A Chinese Diary Sue Wells........................................................................63
SA Branch Receives Award Allan Kerr Grant.............................................69
New Registrations Graeme Eaton..............................................................70
Annual Report 2000–2001 Barry Stagoll....................................................74
Treasurer’s Report and Society Accounts....................................................76
Branch Information...................................................................................80

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A multi partnered project that has seen collection from the 10 north Queensland mountains where our endemic rhododendron species are.

Australian Cloud Forest Collection