Emu Valley Newsletter – September 2024

  • Date: 6th September 2024
  • author: Maurie Kuschp


This month I thought I might expand on this fine example of an arboreum. It was covered in last month’s newsletter, showing the impressive display of “Stowport” brightening any dull winter’s day at Emu Valley. The very existence of this plant we owe thanks to the late Dr. Noel Sullivan. Noel was an authority on all things Rhododendron and I am a product of his enthusiasm and patient teaching. In his lifetime he became a world renowned authority. He presented a Baron von Meuller Memorial address in 1997 in Melbourne.

On a trip to Sikkim in the Himalayas he came across a stand of R. arboreum ssp arboreum and noticed an interesting form of this species. Some of the seed found its way into the cuff of his trousers, which he successfully raised to become the much loved plant we now enjoy. He registered this plant in 1991 as ‘Stowport’ coming as it did from his extensive garden at Stowport not far from Burnie. So there you go – that is how this particular star was born!

Now for the statistics as recorded in its registration. Flowers 37 in the truss, campanulate 50 x 35 mm vivid red paling to near white at the base, nectaries black-red. Leaves narrow elliptic 170 x 30 mm with plastered silver indumentum below.

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