Emu Valley Newsletter – May 2023

  • Date: 11th May 2023
  • author: Ant Dry


This conference is to be held at the Emu Valley Rhododendron Garden from Friday 13th October though Sunday 15th.

Keynote speaker will be Seamus O’Brien from the Kilmacurragh National Botanic Garden of Ireland. There will be speakers from New Zealand as well. We anticipate visitors from across the world. This is a prestigious event, and the invitation to host it should be seen as a compliment to the Garden and testament to the years of hard work put in by all our volunteers.

Thanks to Geoff Wood and Nicole Maxwell for co-ordinating this in conjunc- tion with the ARS. For anyone interested in attending, see our website www.emuvalleyrhodo.com

To read more on the events happening at Emu Valley Rhododendron Garden please download their newsletter.

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