ARS South Australia Newsletter – June 2016

  • Date: 3rd July 2016
  • author: Richard Illman

From the Propagation Bench

In winter, many deciduous plants can be propagated by hardwood cuttings. These include Hydrangea, Roses, Flowering currant, Viburnum, Deutzia, Forsythia, Philadelphus, and Weigela. Take cuttings 100-150mm long and insert almost completely in cutting mix or directly in the ground. Growth should commence in the late spring and the rooted cuttings should be left where they are until the next winter and then dug and planted out.

It is also an ideal time to look through the garden for self-sown seedlings of Japanese maples which can be dug and potted for use as root stock for grafting more ornamental Maple varieties on them. Anyone wishing to try some grafting and requiring some help can contact Richard either at the meeting or via e-mail.

Liliums are ideal companion plants for rhododendrons and at this time of year bulb suppliers are issuing their new season catalogues.

To read the rest of this article and other articles see the ARS SA newsletter

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RHODODENDRONS FOR SALE!!! We will have a wide range of rhododendrons ready for planting this autumn as well as all the information you require to grow your plants to perfection!

Australian Rhododendrons Society Vic at the FCHS Plant Collectors Expo 8-9 March 2025 10-4pm, 100 Hilton Rd Sassafras