2019 The Rhododendron
As I write this in early January 2019, I have just received the terrible news that the Campbell Rhododendron Gardens in the Blue Mountains, NSW, has been extensively damaged by bush fire. The bush fires raging across Eastern Australia have devastated many communities, with months of bush fire season to come. It’s a sobering reminder of the challenge of living in fire prone regions, and the challenge of maintaining the collections of species and hybrids across the public gardens we support.
During the year, we lost three members who, each in their own way, made a substantial and lasting contribution to the society and our knowledge of rhododendrons. Barry Stagoll was for many years the Editor of this journal, and prior to that, Secretary of National Council.With Gay, he developed the garden at ‘Mirrabooka’, their property at Park Orchards in the outer eastern suburbs of Melbourne. I have very fond memories of time spent with Barry in his garden, chatting about this plant and that, bemoaning Melbourne’s brutal summers, and how to attract the next generation of rhododendron enthusiasts. As journal Editor, Barry used his extensive network of contacts and friends around the world to secure articles for the journal, a task he undertook for over 15 years...
Editorial · Andrew Rouse .....................................................................3
Reports – Australian rhododendron groups ...........................................5
Barry Stagoll Tribute · Andrew Rouse .................................................... 11
Vale Lesley Gillanders · Ken Gillanders..................................................... 13
Tribute to George Argent · Andrew Rouse......................................16
Eastern Himalayan Endemic Rhododendrons in Shingba Sanctuary, Sikkim ·
C.S.Purohit ................................................................................19
North Queensland Project, an outstanding success! · Andrew Rouse........... 32
Side trips to a wedding · Robert Hatcher ..................................................... 35
Beauty comes from great challenges · Denby Browning ..............................40
New Registrations 2018–2019 · Lesley Eaton .................................................49
Society contact information.....................................52
To read all the interesting articles please download the Journal.

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