ARS Tasmania Newsletter – August 2019

  • Date: 10th August 2019
  • author: Jenny Skinner


Autumn lingered on for a bit in a warmer, drier than usual start to winter. Some trees were still display-ing gorgeous coloured leaves like the special Nothofagus x eugenananus, the hybrid southern beech that originated in the Tasmanian Arboretum up north and selected and planted at Woodbank by Ken. There are two trees in the garden, one tall stately one that tends to have lovely yellow autumn foliage and
another smaller but much more colourful one up in the top part of the garden. This hybrid sport has maroon leaves even in summer and then turns a beautiful red into early winter.

But with the onset of proper rain, the wet bark on trees like Acer davidii, the snake bark maple, Myrtus luma, a native of Chile and Argentina, Arctostaphylos manzanita, and Betula nigra, the river birch from the USA, really come alive and show their true colours.

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